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Why Healthy Dogs?

This is probably one of the most common reasons for people contacting me with their "My dog..." questions... l have decided the best place to start is to compile my knowledge and research and make it freely available to you.

First: I cannot diagnose your dog by e-mail - and I will not attempt to! I am not a vet and am not giving medical advice. Trying to avoid paying vet fees by asking me instead of taking your dog to the vet is simply not reasonable to anyone, and certainly not your dog. Having said that, I can often help you identify what kind of problems you can deal with yourself, and which ones you need to involve your vet in. And I can also help you with a strategy for how to work with your vet. But I cannot and will not diagnose your dog and prescribe any medical treatments for its specific ailments.

All information on this site is....


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